Fun Facts About Numbers 10 and 11
We’ve finally reached double-digit numbers! Fun facts are bound to become doubly interesting, too! Have yourself a good time reading the ultimate compilation of most amazing facts about the numbers 10 and 11!
Co-Authors of the Viral Image of the Supermassive Black Hole Awarded $3 Million
Learn why the grand prize is totally well-deserved!
NASA: Mars Colonization is No Longer a Futuristic Idea
Mars colonization may happen sooner than you might think – NASA scientists are on the verge of a breakthrough that would open an era of space colonization! NASA has developed a plan that would make it possible to restore the atmosphere of Mars.
Forget Jaws: Dangers of the Sea Stretch Far Beyond Sharks
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the concentration of toxic mercury in sea life has increased more than threefold! Read our new article and find out why the consumption of seafood can ruin your health!
NASA Finds Organic Life in the Solar System
Ceres, the dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, has recently provoked considerable scientific interest – NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has found organic molecules there!